Google livestreams:
Holiday Excellence 2020
Google Partners in Northern Europe, with the assistance of Hawkeye, produced a Livestream series to educate Partners and direct clients on Ads campaign best practices for the upcoming Retail Holiday season. The challenge was to produce a high quality, consistent look and feel across 22 speakers scattered across Europe during Covid-19.
So ‘SpeaKit’ was born, a remote recording kit aimed at improving the Livestream quality and viewer experience for the series.
Now we thought every livestream needs a live album. So alongside the kit was a Google branded DM, in the form of a record vinyl. The front was a consistent brand piece, the back, tips on how to use framing and lighting to their advantage. Once in place we worked directly with presenters on art direction to ensure creative consistency across all webinars in different settings across multiple homes.
We produced 22 videos, an animated intro/outro and sizzle blooper reel.
Role: Art Direction, Design, Creative lead