Google Partners Photography (shoot)


The Google Partners account were in need of an image bank refresh, we proposed the avoidance of using stock imagery and pitched a solution of art directing and producing a bank of imagery for use on campaigns, social channels and across the whole account. The direction of the shoot was to represent the agency space and the various scenarios within a typical agency setting. I wanted to really focus on diversity in all aspects as this was a pivotal need at the time.

I worked with a sketch artist to bring my storyboard of each shot/scene to life. I then worked alongside a producer to liaise with a talent agency to ensure we had a diverse talent, from race, gender and age. I created a complete mood board with wardrobe requirements and location options. Alongside my Junior AD and runners, we made sure to set/dress each scene for the amazing photographer to work his magic.

The bank of images are internationally used throughout the Google Partners account across all comms.

Role: Art Direction, Creative lead


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Legacy Branding